Itinerary for Caney Creek Game

CSHS vs. Caney Creek Game Thursday, September 26 Itinerary: 6:50 a.m. Stadium Rehearsal 8:00 a.m. Front Ensemble push to semi 2:00 p.m. All band students meet in the band hall for 6th period to change into bibbers and finish loading equipment 3:00 p.m. Departure from...

Weekly Band Updates Newsletter

Updates & Announcements Big Week this week! I know I say this often….but really it is ? A) New Rehearsal Schedule – Two Mornings off and now we all have Monday nightand Tuesday Afternoon. This is our new normal until the end of October. Monday...

Itinerary for Homecoming Game

CSHS Homecoming and Middle School Band Night Itinerary and Call Time 5:30 8th graders eat pizza in the cafeteria 5:45 Inspection in the band hall. Be in full uniform 6:00 Run through a few stand tunes with 8th graders in the band hall (High Hopes / Hand Clap) 6:25...

Sixth Week of School Newsletter

Updates & Announcements 1. 8th Grade Band Night and Homecoming Game is this week!! 40 to 50 Future Cougar Band Members will be joining us this week for our Homecoming Game. Congratulations also to Peyton Faulkner, Skylar Ford and Sean Dudo for being nominated to...

CSHS vs. Huntsville Call Time

CSHS Home Game Itinerary and Call Time September 13, 2019 – CSHS vs. Huntsville 6:00 p.m. Inspection in the band hall. Be in full uniform.  6:15 p.m. Run through a few stand tunes 6:50 p.m. Line up in parade block and march over to stadium 7:30 p.m. Game starts...