Updates & Announcements

Hello All, Summer Band starts on Monday! We had a great time getting to know the New Marchers and Section Leaders and getting some work done with the Percussion and Guard. If you missed Registration we will be getting with you throughout the week to get you caught up. Super important: Everybody needs their Purple Cougar Band T-Shirt on Tuesday! Please check over this newsletter carefully for the other important information to know before you show back up.

– Mr. Seale


● Everybody needs a Water Jug! Pick up a water jug on your own. Preferably a school color of black, grey or purple. Need this by the 1st day of Summer Band. Visit this link for our recommended water jug.

● Time to get outside! Check out these tips from UIL to help you prepare for summer band. It is amazing how much even 20 minutes of walking outside a day will help you get ready.

Health Tips from UIL

● Summer Band Reminders

○ Wear Sunscreen and a hat, it is Texas and the heat is on!

○ Always wear athletic shoes, no sandals or flip flops.

○ Drink water before, during and after. Again, bring your own water jug!

○ Eat well. Don’t eat or drink lots of dairy products before morning rehearsal.

○ We start at 8AM Every Day This Week.

Physicals for the 2019-2020 School Year

All students are required to have a physical exam done for each academic year if they are participating in Athletics or Band. Please have your physical exam completed before the start of Summer Band. You will be able to turn in your physical exam form at summer band registration. A UIL form copy can be taken to your doctor for them to complete. Please click on this link for a printable UIL form copy. If you have already had one performed, please bring us the documentation to summer band registration or email to mdixon@csisd.org

Marching Audition Video

Please follow this link for a quick demo of the marching audition we will be doing the first week of Summer Band. In the video, you will also see instructions of how we would like you to submit your audition. Section Leaders, Percussion and Color Guard do not need to audition for a Varsity marching spot; you’ve already had yours. All other Brass and Woodwind Band Students will either need to submit the Video through Schoology or email to mdixon@csisd.org . You can also audition for us in person on the practice field. This is due by 5PM on Friday, August 2nd. These auditions will help us determine who will have a Varsity Marching position. This will not affect which class period you will be in for Band classes; only the type of participation during the Marching Show.

Link to Updated Marching Audition Video

Ultimate Drill Book App

We will be using the ultimate drill book app again this year. Please download this app to your mobile device and be ready to use it during summer band. We will give you instructions on how to join this year’s ensemble on the app. If you don’t have a device, you need to let us know ASAP.

All State/Region Band Music will be available soon!

Who do I contact with Questions?

Jon Seale, Head Director, jseale@csisd.org

Michael Dixon, Assistant Director, mdixon@csisd.org

Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, jdelgado@csisd.org
