6:oo pm Arrive. You can use this time to finish cleaning up instruments and gather your supplies.
6:20 pm Inspection in the Band Hall. Be in full uniform (purple band shirt under uniform)
For inspection, you need: instrument, flip folder, lyre, long black socks, black marching shoes, bibber, jacket, hat box with hat wrap, gauntlets, gloves, full water jug
6:30 pm Run through a few stand tunes
6:50 Line up in parade block and march over
7:30 pm Game starts
9:00 pm Approximate time for half time
10:30 pm Approximate time for end of game. Parade block back to Band Hall. Load all instruments in the semi.
Make sure you let your ride know when to pick you up after the game! Don’t be the one that makes us wait for you. We want to go home, too. We have a big day on Saturday!