Updates & Announcements

See the This Week at a Glance Schedule below.

1. First Football Game vs Richmond-Foster is in Katy at 6PM.

Wear the warm weather uniform:
● Purple Cougar Band Shirt, Black Athletic Shorts, Long Black Socks, Black Marching
Band Shoes.

We will be providing you with Dinner before the game, and a Gatorade and snack after halftime.

You need to bring your Water Jug, plus everything you need to perform (instrument, Flip Folder,
Warm Weather Uniform, etc.)

Here is the Timeline and details for our first Football Game.
2:00 – All Band Students will come to the Band Hall for 6th period to change and finish Loading equipment. You will be excused from the end of the day.
3:00 – Departure from CSHS on Buses.
4:20 – Arrive at Legacy Stadium in Katy.
4:30 – Finish Eating, Use Restrooms and Unload the Semi.
5:15 – Parade Block to get into our seats.
5:30 – Be in Place and ready for Warm Ups/School Song/Beginning of the Game
6:00 – Game Starts
7:30 – Approximate Half Time Performance
9:00 – Game is over, Reload and Get back on Buses
10:30 – Buccees Stop on the way Home
11:30 – Arrive at CSHS and Unload (Everybody helps)
No Morning Rehearsal Friday Morning (8-30-19) after the game.

2. First Contest is 1 Month Away (Sept. 28th)

Our first chance to perform our show at the Contest Level is rapidly approaching. Continue working hard and pushing yourself by reviewing your sets and knowing your music. I can’t wait to perform for our first contest Audience and Judges.

3. Important Reminder for your Calendars:

In order to get more rehearsal time in our Football Stadium as we prepare for the MB Contests, beginning the Week of September 23rd we will have a shift in our outside of school rehearsal scheduling. You can see the details on the Band Calendar shown on our website. As you can see we are still under our 8 Hour Limit.

New Procedure for Absences

Students who need to miss a rehearsal need to click on this link and fill out the information, this will help us keep track of the students. Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view. There are so many students it is hard to keep track of them all, this will help us a great deal. Please click here to add an absence for the marching season.

Next Pass off coming Soon!

The first half of Part 2 was due on Saturday night the 24th and the Second Half of Part 2 is due by Friday night the 30th; that will give us the first 2 movements from the show by memory. All recorded assignments are due in Schoology. Please log into Schoology for the specific measure numbers for the next assignments. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of your class.

Who do I contact with Questions?

Jon Seale, Head Director, jseale@csisd.org

Michael Dixon, Assistant Director, mdixon@csisd.org

Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, jdelgado@csisd.org


From the Cougar Band Boosters:

Be sure to join the Cougar Band & Guard Boosters private Facebook Group!


 Parent Chaperone Group Update:

For anyone that signed up to serve as chaperone or substitute chaperone, training will be held on Tuesday, August 27th at 6 pm in the band hall . The training will focus on home games. Away game chaperones will have training prior to departure for the first away game.

Questions? Contact Jennifer Ford or Jackie Hahn

jenniferford95@gmail.com or jackiehome9@gmail.com