Weekly Director’s Updates
Cougar Band & Guard
this week
General Announcements
**New-District Band Showcase- Friday, October 30
Mark October 30th on your calendar as a required Performance. High School and Middle School Bands all across our District will join up on the field to play one big song together and to watch AMCHS and CSHS perform our 2020 Marching Shows for each other.
In order to maintain appropriate Social Distancing in the Audience, we will be performing a Show at 7 for Middle School Families and again near 8 for High School Families. Be watching for an update email about these details. We will also allow costumes for this performance, since we are so close to the 31st. Whatever you wear needs to still be dress code appropriate, if you are not sure whether it will work or not, just ask.
Football Programs: We still need some volunteers to sign up to help sell programs right before our Final Home game on December 4th. Here is the direct link to sign up with the Cougar Club. Sign up Link.
Cold Weather Uniforms for Games later in the Season
Brrrr, it’s cold out here….must be some Cougars in the atmosphere……(anybody?).
In preparation for games in late October, November, December as the temperature gets too cold for our normal uniform for halftime, we will be wearing a cold weather uniform to still look as professional as possible. Here is what that will look like if you want time to get it together: On top, a black or purple Jacket/Hoodie (See spirit shop), Letter Jackets are also acceptable if you need to wear a coat. Cougar Band Purple T-Shirt underneath, thermals are appropriate in most cases. Long Black Athletic Pants (See Spirit Shop email), Black shoes, Black Socks, just like before. If you have questions, please plan ahead and let us know how we can help.
Current Band Holiday Concert Plans
According to the current COVID regulations put on the performing arts, as of right now, we can not perform a concert indoors with an audience. While we do certainly have some live streaming options, it is always much more preferred to play live for an audience whenever possible. We have reserved Thursday, December 10th on the Calendar to put on an outdoor concert on the covered Patio between the Fine Arts hallway and the Art classrooms. Audience members will be able to bring chairs and blankets and spread out on the grass lawn. If the weather doesn’t work for us (it is december in Texas), then we will likely move back indoors and live stream the performances.
– Mr. Seale
Virtual Students Weekly Info
Virtual Students Week 8
At the beginning of the 2nd 6 Weeks we have separated the Hybrid and Virtual Students into their own Schoology Courses. The Hybrid Student curriculum will stay the same but the Virtual student curriculum will change. Please review the Loom videos for an explanation of the changes.
Zoom Meeting
Wednesday Zoom Meeting at 11:30
Meeting ID: 540 461 6324
Passcode: CougarBand
Just join the group for your child’s graduation year
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2021: @cshsbp2021 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2022: @cshsbp2022 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2023: @cshsbp2023 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2024: @cshsbp2024 to 81010
Who do I contact with Questions?
Check with your Section Leaders First! And then……
Jon Seale, Head Band Director, Marching Band, 1st Period – Wind Ensemble, 7th Period – Jazz Ensemble, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Band Director, Marching Band, 5th Period – Symphonic Band, 6th Period – Concert Band, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, Marching Band, 7th Period – Colorguard, Winterguard, jdelgado@csisd.org

Virtual Student Week at a Glance

we need you
Procedure for absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal must click on the link below and fill out the information. This will help us keep track of students.
Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view.
college station cougar band boosters
Instagram @cougarbandandguardboosters
Twitter @cshsbands
Photos of the band (past and present) are available through the website, or at https://www.boomsaucepics.com . The site is now password-protected, and the password is boomsauceon3. If you have pictures to contribute, feel free to share them (high-resolution images) with cshsbandandguard@gmail.com. We’d love to show off your work!
Support our Band through Amazon Smile:
Did you know that if you normally shop through Amazon’s website, you could also besupporting our Band Program! Click the following link to add the Cougar Band to your Amazon Smile Account. It costs you nothing to do this.