Weekly Director’s Updates
Cougar Band & Guard
this week
From Mr. Seale
Even with two extra days off of school we were able to get quite a bit accomplished last week. Full Orchestra started rehearsing and The Wind Ensemble met with 8th graders for a great Side by Side Concert. Our Winter Guard got to compete in their first TCGC Event for this Semester. The Weather did cause us to postpone UIL Solo and Ensemble until the 25th, and we also will be re-imagining what Chamber Night looks like for this year. Mr. Dixon and I will be out the last part of this week, but we have left you with some Recording assignments to take care of while we are gone to help us jump into our Spring UIL Program. – Mr. Seale
General Announcements
Letter Jackets
Your student will need to Print up and Fill out the Letter Jacket Application for this year. Sign it, etc, and turn it into me. Once they do I’ll give them a Letter Jacket Packet for you to have and select what kind of options you want to pay for with your Jacket. Finally, bring your filled out Packet with you to the special Band fitting on Feb 11th. The Band and the District will cover the expense of the Actual Letter for the front of the Jacket and the base cost of the Jacket (around $40 to 50) and your family would be expected to cover the rest of the options that you choose. You are definitely not required to get a Jacket, but you are now Eligible to get one through the Band and Guard if you participated in the UIL SMB with us this year. The fitting will be at the Field House starting at 7 AM regardless of what the sticker says. Wind Ensemble students should wait until 1st Period to be fitted in the Band Hall. We will have a makeup day schedule for those that can’t be here on the 11th.
Chamber Night (Re-Imagined)
We love having Chamber Night in Person as originally planned, but since school was canceled for those days we needed to postpone and look for another day. Unfortunately, there is not another good evening available on our School Calendar until well after the Directors come back from TMEA which will not be soon enough, so we will need to record the ensembles in class on Monday and Tuesday while we perform for each other and will send out the videos for families as soon as possible.
2022 Summer Band & Marching Season dates are out!
Please visit the band website to view our summer band and marching season calendar for the 2022 Fall Semester. It will look very similar to this year. We do not have the football schedule yet but as soon as we do we will update it on the calendar. Happy planning!
Sectionals beginning for UIL Concert and Sight Reading Season
Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will begin Sectionals immediately in one week. Concert Band will likely have some Sectionals begin near or after Spring Break. Notice the starting time difference between Sectionals and Bands.
Just join the group for your child’s graduation year
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2022: @cshsbp2022 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2023: @cshsbp2023 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2024: @cshsbp2024 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2025: @cshsbp2025 to 81010
Who do I contact with Questions?
Check with your Section Leaders First! And then……
Jon Seale, Head Band Director, Marching Band, 1st Period – Wind Ensemble, 7th Period – Jazz Ensemble, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Band Director, Marching Band, 5th Period – Symphonic Band, 6th Period – Concert Band, mdixon@csisd.org
Lora Nolen, Guard Director, Marching Band, 7th Period – Colorguard, Winterguard, lnolen@csisd.org
we need you
Procedure for absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal must click on the link below and fill out the information. This will help us keep track of students.
Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view.
college station cougar band boosters
Instagram @cougarbandandguardboosters
Twitter @cshsbands
Photos of the band (past and present) are available through the website, or at https://www.boomsaucepics.com . The site is now password-protected, and the password is boomsauceon3. If you have pictures to contribute, feel free to share them (high-resolution images) with cshsbandandguard@gmail.com. We’d love to show off your work!
Support our Band through Amazon Smile:
Did you know that if you normally shop through Amazon’s website, you could also besupporting our Band Program! Click the following link to add the Cougar Band to your Amazon Smile Account. It costs you nothing to do this.