Weekly Director’s Updates
Cougar Band & Guard
this week
Updates and Announcements
CSHS Full Orchestra UIL Event
Full Orchestra Pre UIL is at Consol this Tuesday, the 25th at 6:45.
Full Orchestra UIL is also at Consol next Tuesday, March 3rd. Time TBA. Tuxes and Band Dresses for this event.
Band Clinician Day with Dr. Teweleit
Wednesday, March 4th will be a modified schedule day for all Band Students.
Wind Ensemble will have a Clinic from 8AM to the end of 2nd Period.
Symphonic Band will have a Clinic during 4th and 5th Periods (go to A lunch).
Concert Band will have a Clinic during 6th and 7th Periods.
Be checking with your teachers ahead of time of any missed work coming up for that day.
Pre UIL and UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluations
Our Pre UIL Evaluation Concert will be throughout the School Day on Thursday, March 5th. Each Band will have a Warm Up Time, Performance on Stage, and Sight-Read in the Band Hall. We will let you know which teachers to talk to if you are missing their class that day. We will have several students sign up to help run the Contest that day also. Our Official UIL Evaluation is Thursday, March 26th after Spring Break.
Spring Trip Update
Spring Trip is now Full! Next Payment Deadline is coming in March. Click the link to view our trip details. Spring Trip 2020
TCGC State Championships Volunteers
By now you should have received an email from Lora Nolen explaining our needs for Volunteers for hosting the TCGC State Championships at Reed Arena in March and April. This is a huge fundraising opportunity for our Band Program and we need everyone to get involved somehow. Click Here to find out how.
See the end of the Newsletter for our current Spring Calendar dates
– Mr. Seale

2020 Night of Percussion Was a Success!
Our Night of Percussion Concert went very well and was an awesome event! Thank you to all that were able to perform in the concert and to those that came to support as an audience member.
Parents: Join Remind 101 for Band Updates
Just join the group for your child’s graduation year
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2020: @cshsbp2020 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2021: @cshsbp2021 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2022: @cshsbp2022 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2023: @cshsbp2023 to 81010
Who do I contact with Questions?
Check with your Section Leaders First! And then……
Jon Seale, Head Band Director, Marching Band, 1st Period – Wind Ensemble, 7th Period – Jazz Ensemble, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Band Director, Marching Band, 5th Period – Symphonic Band, 6th Period – Concert Band, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, Marching Band, 7th Period – Colorguard, Winterguard, jdelgado@csisd.org
we need you
Procedure for absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal must click on the link below and fill out the information. This will help us keep track of students.
Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view.

college station cougar band boosters
Be sure to join the Cougar Band & Guard Boosters private Facebook Group!
Instagram @cougarbandandguardboosters
Twitter @cshsbands
Photos of the band (past and present) are available through the website, or at https://www.boomsaucepics.com . The site is now password-protected, and the password is boomsauceon3. If you have pictures to contribute, feel free to share them (high-resolution images) with cshsbandandguard@gmail.com. We’d love to show off your work!
Support our Band through Amazon Smile:
Did you know that if you normally shop through Amazon’s website, you could also besupporting our Band Program! Click the following link to add the Cougar Band to your Amazon Smile Account. It costs you nothing to do this.
Please join us the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in the Band Hall for our College Station Cougar Band Boosters meetings! You’ll receive important information about the band & guard program, and find new ways to be involved.