Updates & Announcements
1. 8th Grade Band Night and Homecoming Game is this week!! 40 to 50 Future Cougar Band Members will be joining us this week for our Homecoming Game. Congratulations also to Peyton Faulkner, Skylar Ford and Sean Dudo for being nominated to the Homecoming Court! This week’s performance will be Pre-Game (@7PM) so we can save time for the Homecoming Court Festivities.
Look for a Homecoming Game Itinerary soon.
2. Senior Class Trip this Wednesday:
Seniors – We will need you at rehearsal this Wednesday Morning and then after our Rehearsal, you can change clothes if you want and I will drive a bus out to the Camp that the rest of the Senior Class is going to. Many of the Athletics are doing the same thing so they don’t have to miss another Practice.
3. USBands – Madisonville is 2 Weeks Away (Sept. 28th)
USBands Contest at Madisonville is rapidly approaching. You have the UDB App; you can learn your spots before we get there as a Band. We will be pushing hard on learning the new sets this week and next! We will have this Itinerary out soon.
4. Important Reminders for your Calendars:
In order to get more rehearsal time in our Football Stadium as we prepare for the MB Contests, beginning next week (Week of September 23rd) we will have a shift in our outside of school rehearsal scheduling. You can see the details on the Band Calendar shown on our website. As you can see we are still under our 8 Hour Limit. There will also be several Saturday commitments throughout these weeks.
October 15th – CSISD Bands Showcase at CSHS.
This is a Holiday for students, but we do have a performance that evening with AMCHS at the CSHS Stadium. Call time approximately 5PM.
– Mr. Seale
Water Jugs
About 80% of the students are doing a great job of bringing their water jugs with them to rehearsals and games. It is very important to have something to carry a large amount of water for our afternoon rehearsals, games and contests. We always have ice water available for the students to refill their jugs and small cups for those that forget their jug. There are too many students that are relying on the small cups for rehearsal and we are going through at least 500 cups a week. It is meant to be support for the occasional forgetfulness, but not the primary solution to getting water. It is also hindering the amount of water they can drink quickly. All this to say, on these afternoon games and rehearsals, it is vital for each student to have a water jug available to refill and use. Please check with your student on the status of their water jug. If they don’t have one, please get them one to use.
Procedure for Absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal need to click on this link and fill out the information,this will help us keep track of the students. Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view. There are so many students it is hard to keep track of them all, this will help us a great deal. Please click here to add an absence for the marching season.
Final Pass off coming Soon!
We pushed back The final Pass Off. (yay!) It is now due on Saturday night the 21st. That will give us the entire show memorized! All recorded assignments are due in Schoology. Please log into Schoology for the specific measure numbers for the next assignments. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of your class.
Who do I contact with Questions?
Check with your Section Leaders First! And then……
Jon Seale, Head Band Director, Marching Band, 1st Period – Wind Ensemble, 7th Period – Jazz Ensemble, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Band Director, Marching Band, 5th Period – Symphonic Band, 6th Period – Concert Band, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, 7th Period – Colorguard, Winterguard, jdelgado@csisd.org
CSHS Band Absence Request – Click Here
From the Cougar Band Boosters:
Be sure to join the Cougar Band & Guard Boosters private Facebook Group!
Photos of the band past and present are available through the website or at boomsaucepics.com. The site is now password protected and the password is boomsauceon3. If you have high resolution pictures of the band and guard to contribute, please share them with cshsbandandguard@gmail.com.
Drums Along the Brazos (DAtB) Planning Committee:
If you are interested in helping plan our annual drumline contest, please let Lora Nolen know, and also make plans to attend our first planning committee meeting on Monday, September 16, at 5:45 p.m. in the band hall (just after the woodwind and guard sectionals). This event has gone very well for the last 7 years and is a great thing to do for our band community. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Go check out our website here.