Updates & Announcements
This week begins our new normal for Marching Band. See the This Week at a Glance Schedule below.
1. We have an update to our first Football game vs Richmond-Foster. We are now scheduled to play them Thursday, August 29th at 6 PM in Katy Texas. Still an awaygame. Departure time will be between 2 and 3 PM most likely. I will update everyone on those details soon.
2. Important Addition for your Calendars: In order to get more rehearsal time in our Football Stadium as we prepare for the MB Contests, beginning the Week of September 23rd we will have a shift in our outside of school rehearsal scheduling. You can see the details on the Band Calendar shown on our website. As you can see we are still under our 8 Hour Limit.
New Procedure for Absences
We have over 200 students in band and it has been a challenge keeping up with everyone’s schedule. To make this easier the directors are creating a form to collect data about student absences and help us keep track of all of our students on a more consistent basis. The Seniors beta tested the idea for me during Senior Sunrise. Link coming soon!
Next Pass off coming Soon!
The next pass off for our halfime marching show is coming soon. By next Saturday, August 24 all students should have Part 1 and Part 2 passed off from memory. All recorded assignments are due in Schoology. Please log into schoology for the specific measure numbers for the next assignments. If you have any questions, please contact a director.
From the Cougar Band Boosters:
Be sure to join the Cougar Band & Guard Boosters private Facebook Group!
Parent Chaperone Group Update:
For anyone that signed up to serve as chaperone or substitute chaperone, training will be held on Tuesday, August 27th at 6 pm in the band hall . The training will focus on home games. Away game chaperones will have training prior to departure for the first away game.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Ford or Jackie Hahn
jenniferford95@gmail.com or jackiehome9@gmail.com
● We are considering opening a new order for band duffel bags for those who missed the initial order. We have to meet a minimum of 12 bags in order for this to happen. If you are interested in ordering a band duffel bag, please contact me ASAP at laurackurk@gmail.com or text me at (832) 577-6332. If you know of families who are interested in bags, please make sure they see this information. If we do not have enough interest to meet our minimum, we will not be able to place a second order.
If you have any questions, please contact me at laurackurk@gmail.com .
● LAST CHANCE for Cougar Band T-Shirts order in case you missed out on the spirit shop! They are Unisex and the design is below. You can choose the back to be plain, or have “Props Crew” or “Chaperone”. Price is $15 for Small-XL or $17 for 2XL or 3XL.
Order goes in this week. Email Markus Nimocks ASAP if interested at mn@nimocks.com.
Who do I contact with Questions?
Jon Seale, Head Director, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Director, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, jdelgado@csisd.org