Weekly Director’s Updates
Cougar Band & Guard
Plans for our 2020 Marching Season
Hello Everyone!
Please read over the COVID Guidelines for Summer Band and our Fall Semester. We have spent a considerable amount of time researching guidelines from around the nation to come to the decisions set forth in this document.
New Football Schedule coming next week. Games are basically pushed back about 6 weeks from the original schedule. Now will likely run from the end of September to the beginning of December and then Playoffs. Information still being decided on what it looks like for the Band at Football games. We will also need to revamp our normal Morning and Evening outside of school rehearsal schedule for the Fall due to not having safe access to our changing rooms. We should have this finalized early next week. Thank you for your patience.
The UIL Marching Contest has not been canceled like most of the other Contests this Fall, in order to let the smaller, more Rural communities that are not as affected by the Corona Virus yet still participate. As a District, CSISD Bands have made the difficult decision to remain non-competitive with our marching show this Fall due to the very same reasons as mentioned in our Letter last week. We do not feel that we can keep our students, staff and families healthy and safe with a Contest Driven season like we normally have had the privilege to participate in. We now look forward to the possibilities of what we are planning for this Season and hope to return to our competitive season next Summer and Fall.
Our new show has been decided on thanks to all of your voting (Seniors and Leadership Team)! The New Show announcement Video will be coming very soon. We look forward to being able to perform together again in whatever capacity is allowed to us. I am super excited!
New Marcher Zoom on Wednesday at 2PM. We will discuss the details of what the new marcher camp will look like and give you a chance to ask questions.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are all trying to be as flexible as possible while still holding each other to the highest expectations possible.
– Jon Seale
CSHS Band & Guard Daily Pre-Screening Form
Prior to arrival for each practice, students must complete the pre-screening form. Students will also be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 before each rehearsal by a member of CSISD. Students who do not pass the screening will be asked to return home.
CSISD Band Summer COVID Guidelines
Every Cougar Band & Guard student and their parents/guardians need to read this guide and be prepared for the new arrival and exit procedures from rehearsals. This document also explains how we will handle confirmed or suspected cases of Covid, how we will communicate information rapidly to families, and what types of face masks/shields are required. We will operate strictly under these guidelines so get familiar with them now.

we need you
Procedure for absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal must click on the link below and fill out the information. This will help us keep track of students.
Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view.
college station cougar band boosters
Also, we need volunteers who may not want to take on a leadership role, but are ready to work with a committee to accomplish the important work of the board. If you’d like to discuss getting involved with a committee, please email info@cshsbandandguard.com or get in touch with any of the board members listed above!
All parents/guardians of band and guard students are automatic members of the College Station Cougar Band Boosters (CSCBB), and we promise you’ll have a lot of fun serving an incredible group of students and directors!
Please join us the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in the Band Hall for our College Station Cougar Band Boosters meetings! You’ll receive important information about the band & guard program, and find new ways to be involved.