Here are some helpful details about this Saturday’s contest in Brenham.
Because the contest is nearby, we always have many families who make the drive over. It’s a fantastic way to support this amazing group of kids. They love to see all the fans in the stands!
1. This contest is the 45th Annual Buccaneer Marching Festival hosted by the band program at Blinn College in Brenham. It will be held at the Brenham I.S.D. Cub Stadium (1600 E. Tom Green Street, Brenham).
2. There will be an admission fee to help the Blinn College band offset their costs. The fee is $5 for 13+ / 12 and under FREE.
3. Parking attendants will be on site to help guide you to available spaces. Parking is often tight, but cars come and go as bands perform throughout the day.
4. Come early and watch some amazing performances!
5. The CSHS Mighty Cougar Band & Guard will arrive at the stadium at 2:45 p.m. to begin getting ready. We warm up at 4:20 and perform at 5 p.m.
6. It’s absolutely okay to cheer for our band (all bands, in fact) during big moments in the show. Your support means a lot! Just be aware there are judges in the stands and on the field who need to be able to hear the bands, so no bells or noisemakers that would be distracting. These judges are incredible and we’d hate for them to miss a note of our performance!
7. Our awesome parents involved in the Boomsauce Props Crew are setting up a Boomsauce Cool Zone this year with tents, fans, ice, water, cooling towels, and misters to keep the band, staff, and volunteers comfortable. We’re grateful for these folks! And our well-trained travel chaperones move among the students all day, making sure they have exactly what they need!
8. Speaking of needs . . . please do not let your student forget to bring a water jug full of ice water. The water jugs that we recommend hold 64 ounces of water, and the students can drink several full jugs on contest days. We have refill stations for them.
Here’s what the jugs look like:

Please note: standard water bottles are not large enough or tough enough to get students through marching practice, games, or contests. Please make sure they have a 64-ounce jug.
We expect to do very well at this competition — the students and directors have worked so hard to be ready!
Hope to see you Saturday! Thanks for all your support!