Game Day Itinerary


Advocate classes — meet in the band hall for scholarship presentations.

Band Picture After School

3:50 pm change into shoes, socks, bibbers, and uniform jacket

4:10 pm line up in the band hall — tallest to shortest

4:30 pm take band picture and then change out of uniform to eat dinner

DINNER BREAK 4:45 – 5:45 pm


5:45 pm Change back into uniform. No hatbox, no hats, no gauntlets, no gloves

6:00 pm Call time. This game will likely be very cold. Please be prepared.

6:10 pm Inspection in the band hall. Be in full uniform. Purple band shirt underneath uniform.

FOR INSPECTION: Instrument, flip folder, lyre, long black socks, black marching shoes, bibbers, jackets, full water jug

6:15 pm Line up in parade block and march over

7:00 pm Game starts

9:00 pm Approximate time for half time. Perform for Strutters (Shakedown)

10:30 Approximate time for game end. Please have your rides ready to pick you up quickly. We want to go home and usually have to wait around for a few students to be picked up.