Weekly Director’s Updates
Cougar Band & Guard
this week
Updates and Announcements
Finishing the 2019-20 School Year
Letter Jacket Sizing
Sizing Packets can be picked up in the Front Office. Make sure you take it to the Field House on June 12th. See this Letter from Coach Huff. Here are the Requirements for the CSHS Band and Guard Letter Jacket Approval.
Band Banquet is still Thursday, June 25th!!
The band banquet will consist of two seperate parts this year, a YouTube Live Broadcast and a senior drive through parade. The live broadcast will occur early evening around 6:30 then transitionin to a Senior Parade at CSHS to celebrate our seniors. As we get closer to the event we will email out details.
Senior Graduation is Saturday, June 27th
No Band Performances at Graduation this year due to Social Distancing Restrictions. Mr. Dixon and I will still be there to Cheer everyone on and run the sound system!
Announcements for the 2020-21 School Year
Are there any big changes to Marching Band and Summer Band because of COVID-19?? No, not yet!
As of today, there are no official changes to our Band Calendar from UIL/TEA/or our District other than several guidelines of Social Distancing and Personal Hygiene, etc. As soon as we hear of any changes, if there are any, we will be sure to let everyone
know. See the calendar for more detailed information. Here is a Link to the Summer Guidelines that UIL has prescribed for Marching Band Rehearsals just to give you an idea of what things MIGHT look like.
Monday, July 20 – Leadership, Drumline and Colorguard First Day
Wednesday, July 22 – All New Marchers First Day (mostly incoming freshman)
Monday, July 27 – All Students Return for Summer Band
Physicals for the Upcoming School Year
This is the NEW Medical History and Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form.
Everyone needs to fill out this form and either turn it in to a Director via email, or make another arrangement to get it to us before the first day of Summer Band. This is a new “Waiver” for this year only.
From UIL:
As required under current rule, all students participating in UIL marching band and/or UIL athletic activities will be required to complete the UIL Medical History Form. Any “yes” answer to any of questions 1-6 on the Medical History Form will require a student to receive further medical evaluation, which may include a physical exam, and receive written clearance from a physician, physician assistant, chiropractor, or nurse practitioner before any participation in UIL practices, games, performances, or matches.
New Marcher Camps
Wednesday July 22 – 24. This is for all Incoming Freshman and any other New Marcher. We will Need Drum Majors and Section Leaders to be available to help here too.
Band and Guard Registration Days
Here is what you can expect:
● Students and Parents will be visiting various stations to pick-up shirts, try-on shoes, get measured for the band uniform, turn-in physical forms, get any supplies they might need from Thorn Music etc. and pay band fees.
● There will be a form and checklist to help you complete the process.
● Mr. Seale, Mr. Dixon, and Boosters will be available if you have any questions for us.
The whole process should take about an hour.
● There will be two different registrations nights, both listed on the band calendar. If you can’t make either one, prior arrangements need to be made to take care of these important items.
Tips for Getting Ready for Summer Band
Time to get outside! Check out these tips from UIL to help you prepare for summer band. It is amazing how much even 20 minutes of walking outside a day will help you get ready. It’s hot and will continue to be hot. Start drinking more water than any other liquid every day to get properly hydrated.
2020 Marching Show – Emotions of the Heart
If you missed our big show Reveal in March, HERE it is again. We are in the process of Composing and Arranging the Show as well as Prop Design. You can expect PDFs of the Music that we currently have to be posted soon.
Drum Major Workshop with former Carolina Crown Drum Major!
Our Drum Majors and others from local High Schools are going to get the opportunity to work with Michael St. Ores. He recently aged out from being the Head Drum Major at Carolina Crown. July13th-15th. This is only for our current Drum Majors.
Meet your new Student Leadership and Service Team (SL&ST) for the 2020-21 School Year
SL&ST Work Days at CSHS – July 20 and 21 – 8:30AM – Noon. You can also expect a few Zoom meetings this Summer with some Section Leader Information.
July Drumline Camp and Guard Camp Week of July 20th.
Mrs. Delgado will be in contact regarding Guard Dates and Times.
– Mr. Seale

We’re excited to announce our 2020 drum majors who will direct our show Emotions of the Heart!
Benjamin Roberts, Head Drum Major
Senior Ben Roberts, our 2020 head drum major, plays bassoon in our wind symphony and marches with a baritone. He’s also an accomplished cellist in the CSHS Orchestra, as well as an award-winning composer. Ben served as a drum major last year and he’ll bring valuable experience to the head podium.
Arianna Chisum
Senior Arianna Chisum takes a podium this year as a 2020 drum major. On the stage, she’s an accomplished bassoonist. On the field, she marches with an alto saxophone. An active and involved Cougar, Arianna was recently elected to be the CSHS Student Body President. She’s looking forward to directing our 2020 show!
Mary Claire Phelps
Senior Mary Claire Phelps takes a podium this year as a 2020 drum major. She’s a clarinetist on the stage and the field, and has successfully served as a section leader for the last two years. Mary Claire has passion for marching band and a desire to see our band achieve success!
Siena Healy
Senior Siena Healy will serve as our back field drum major for 2020. Siena is a gifted bass clarinetist and we will rely on her talent and expertise as she assists our front field drum majors. She has made an impression as a low reed section leader, and she’s looking forward to helping the band prepare for a successful 2020 marching season!

2020-2021 Color Guard Leadership
Senior Helena Marquez and Junior Jaden Madkins will serve as c0-captains for the season. Haley Birdwell and Kylie Sink will serve as Lieutenants. We’re looking forward to another great season with these talented young women!
Parents: Join Remind 101 for Band Updates
Just join the group for your child’s graduation year
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2020: @cshsbp2020 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2021: @cshsbp2021 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2022: @cshsbp2022 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2023: @cshsbp2023 to 81010
CSHS Band Parents – Class of 2024: @cshsbp2024 to 81010
Who do I contact with Questions?
Check with your Section Leaders First! And then……
Jon Seale, Head Band Director, Marching Band, 1st Period – Wind Ensemble, 7th Period – Jazz Ensemble, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Band Director, Marching Band, 5th Period – Symphonic Band, 6th Period – Concert Band, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, Marching Band, 7th Period – Colorguard, Winterguard, jdelgado@csisd.org
we need you
Procedure for absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal must click on the link below and fill out the information. This will help us keep track of students.
Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view.

college station cougar band boosters
Want some food options for travel games and contests next semester?
Click the following link for help us decide on some of your preferred options for provided meals next year.
Also, we need volunteers who may not want to take on a leadership role, but are ready to work with a committee to accomplish the important work of the board. If you’d like to discuss getting involved with a committee, please email info@cshsbandandguard.com or get in touch with any of the board members listed above!
All parents/guardians of band and guard students are automatic members of the College Station Cougar Band Boosters (CSCBB), and we promise you’ll have a lot of fun serving an incredible group of students and directors!
Please join us the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in the Band Hall for our College Station Cougar Band Boosters meetings! You’ll receive important information about the band & guard program, and find new ways to be involved.