Acknowledgment of the CSHS Band & Guard Grading Policy

Each student and a parent/guardian must sign to acknowledge that they have read and they understand the CSHS Band & Guard grading policy.

CSHS Band & Guard Grading Policy

(Excerpt from Handbook)

In order to participate in extracurricular activities, a student must have been in attendance and have passed the number of courses required by state law and by rules of the State Board of Education (TAC Section 97.113).

Band students who are ineligible for extracurricular functions will still be eligible for curricular events. All students must attend all rehearsals and concerts. Students who are having problems academically are required to take part in tutoring and peer tutoring.

Student Grades

Students grades are grouped into 2 major categories:

Academic Practice – 33%

Attendance at rehearsals, class daily work, etc.

Academic Achievement – 67%

Performances, individual playing assignments/auditions, etc.

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