Weekly Director’s Updates
Cougar Band & Guard
this week
From Mr. Seale
Still making a deep dive into our Statewide UIL Concert and Sight Reading Programs. Clinicians are lined up and Sectionals and Individual Practice are underway right now as we prepare for the Pre-UIL in March and UIL in April. – Mr. Seale
General Announcements
Night of Percussion Video
Please visit this link to view the Night of Percussion Video
UIL Solo & Ensemble February 28th
The Contest has been postponed to Monday the 28th. Still at A&M Consolidated. Make sure you have an Original copy of your Solo and/or Ensemble and if you need a Piano Accompanist, have that worked out. You will pay the UIL Fee for this event through InTouch.
2022 Summer Band & Marching Season dates are out!
Please visit the band website to view our summer band and marching season calendar for the 2022 Fall Semester. It will look very similar to this year. We do not have the football schedule yet but as soon as we do we will update it on the calendar. Happy planning!
Sectionals beginning for UIL Concert and Sight Reading Season
Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will begin Sectionals this week. Concert Band will likely have some Sectionals begin near or after Spring Break. Notice the starting time difference between Sectionals and Bands.
we need you
Procedure for absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal must click on the link below and fill out the information. This will help us keep track of students. Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view.
college station cougar band boosters