Updates & Announcements
Big Week this week! I know I say this often….but really it is 🙂
A) New Rehearsal Schedule – Two Mornings off and now we all have Monday nightand Tuesday Afternoon. This is our new normal until the end of October. Monday Evenings, Tuesday Afternoons, and Wednesday-Thursday-Friday mornings. The Band Hall will be open on Mondays after school until the Evening Rehearsal Time.
B) Thursday Travel Game this week! FB Game vs Caney Creek. Game Itinerary coming.
C) First Marching Contest Saturday (9/28) at Madisonville. This is a morning and afternoon Contest. You should have a free Evening after 5 or 6 PM. USBands Itinerary coming.
D) Blinn Marching Festival is Saturday (10/5) in Brenham. This is an afternoon and Evening Contest. You should have a Free Morning until close to Noon . Blinn Marching Festival
E) We are in Contest Mode now. Most weeks will include our rehearsals, plus a Friday game, plus a Saturday Contest with a few exceptions. This is the last week for you to make sure you are eligible and passing every class. If you are failing any classes as of Friday we might be forced to pull your spot from the field for the rest of the Season since you won’t be able to regain eligibility until after UIL.
Special Note about Hydration –
It is so important to us that you are proactively doing what you can to stay healthy to be able to fully participate as a Member of our Marching Band. Here’s a note from Mrs. Frashure, the Head Athletic Trainer for CSHS. “ the biggest thing for your kids, just as it is for athletes, is that hydration comes in the three days leading up to a performance . If they come into the day in a deficit, they will not be able to drink enough water the day of to offset what they will lose during practice, competition, etc.”
– Mr. Seale
Procedure for Absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal need to click on this link and fill out the information, this will help us keep track of the students. Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view. There are so many students it is hard to keep track of them all, this will help us a great deal. Please click here to add an absence for the marching season.
Pass Offs are complete! Make sure you have turned everything in.
Who do I contact with Questions?
Check with your Section Leaders First! And then……
Jon Seale, Head Band Director, Marching Band, 1st Period – Wind Ensemble, 7th Period – Jazz Ensemble, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Band Director, Marching Band, 5th Period – Symphonic Band, 6th Period – Concert Band, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, 7th Period – Colorguard, Winterguard, jdelgado@csisd.org
CSHS Band Absence Request – Click Here
From the Cougar Band Boosters:
Be sure to join the Cougar Band & Guard Boosters private Facebook Group!
We Need a Videographer!!
Our program needs someone who can be dedicated to using our video camera to record our FB halftime shows every week. This is not a difficult task, but it is so important to our learning and evaluation progress. This position can be filled by more than one person if needed. Perks: You get to go up in some pretty cool press box areas at various stadiums in our area. Please email Mr. Seale directly if you are interested — jseale@csisd.org.
Photos of the band past and present are available through the website or at www.boomsaucepics.com. The site is now password protected and the password is boomsauceon3. If you have pictures to contribute, feel free to share them! Share high resolution images with cshsbandandguard@gmail.com.
We’d love to show off your work!