Updates & Announcements
1. Our first home game is this week!
We’ll send out our Itinerary and call time soon. Since it’s a home game you will provide your own Dinner. I can’t wait to debut our show for the home crowd! We should have the first 2 movements solidly on the field by the end of this week.
2. USBands – Madisonville is 3 Weeks Away (Sept. 28th)
Our first chance to perform our show at the Contest Level is at the Madisonville USBands Contest; and it is rapidly approaching. Continue working hard and pushing yourself by reviewing your sets and knowing your music. I can’t wait to perform for our first Contest Audience and Judges. When I hear from the Contest Organizers I will send out an estimated schedule for that day.
3. Important Reminders for your Calendars:
○ In order to get more rehearsal time in our Football Stadium as we prepare for the MB Contests, beginning the Week of September 23rd we will have a shift in our outside of school rehearsal scheduling. You can see the details on the Band Calendar shown on our website. As you can see we are still under our 8 Hour Limit. There will also be several Saturday commitments throughout these weeks. Check the Calendar.
October 15th – CSISD Bands Showcase at CSHS.
This is a Holiday for students, but we do have a performance that evening with AMCHS at the CSHS Stadium.
– Mr. Seale
Water Jugs
About 80% of the students are doing a great job of bringing their water jugs with them to rehearsals and games. It is very important to have something to carry a large amount of water for our afternoon rehearsals, games and contests. We always have ice water available for the students to refill their jugs and small cups for those that forget their jug. There are too many students that are relying on the small cups for rehearsal and we are going through at least 1000 cups a week. It is meant to be support for the occasional forgetfulness, but not the primary solution to getting water. It is also hindering the amount of water they can drink quickly. All this to say, on these afternoon games and rehearsal it is vital for each student to have a water jug available to refill and use. Please check with your student on the status of their water jug. If they don’t have one, please get them one to use. The 64-ounce water jugs can be found at Academy, Wal Mart, and Target.
Procedure for Absences
Students who need to miss a rehearsal need to click on this link and fill out the information, this will help us keep track of the students. Once the form is filled out, it will be put on a calendar the directors can view. There are so many students it is hard to keep track of them all, this will help us a great deal. Please click here to add an absence for the marching season.
Next Pass off coming Soon!
The first half of the Closer is due on Sunday Night the 8th and the second Pass Off for the Closer will be due Sunday Night, September the 15th. That will give us the entire show memorized! All recorded assignments are due in Schoology. Please log into Schoology for the specific measure numbers for the next assignments. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of your class.
Who do I contact with Questions?
Jon Seale, Head Director, jseale@csisd.org
Michael Dixon, Assistant Director, mdixon@csisd.org
Jessica Delgado, Guard Director, jdelgado@csisd.org
From the Cougar Band Boosters:
Be sure to join the Cougar Band & Guard Boosters private Facebook Group!
Booster Meeting this Tuesday : 7 PM in the Band Hall
Website News:
We have just finished creating photo albums for the website that contain galleries for each year in Cougar Band history (2012 through 2019). The galleries can be found at https://www.boomsaucepics.com.
We invite you to browse through and see the evolution of Boomsauce!
We are thrilled to have a valuable historical record of this amazing band program!
Also, parents, do you have a DSLR camera that you use to regularly take pictures of the Cougar Band and Guard? If so, we are always looking for high quality, high resolution images to add to our photo library. If you would like to be a contributor, email Laura Kurk at laurackurk@gmail.com for instructions. We’d love to show off your work!
March-A-Thon Update:
We will update you on this at the Booster Meeting.
Contact Markus Nimocks if you have any questions. mn@nimocks.com